Viennese Goulash from Prague


When we say goulash, we think Hungary. Historians trace the roots of the hearty stew with lots of paprika to medieval Hungarian shepherd culture. But, in keeping with the shepherds’ lifestyle, goulash is an itinerant dish with many versions all over Central Europe. One of my favorites is commonly made in the Czech lands. To add to the confusion, in Prague you will sometimes find it labeled as “Viennese.” I set out to recreate the dish at home. Continue reading

The Oktoberfest Challenge, Part 1

Meatballs, potato salad and some other goodies around pretzel rolls – the center piece of our buffet.

I love cooking challenges and projects. Last weekend I think I met my biggest one so far. My fiancé and I were hosting a little yard party to celebrate our engagement. Well, it turned into an Oktoberfest-themed afternoon for 80 guests – and we decided to cater the whole event ourselves. But the challenge goes on. I’m dedicating this month to teaching you how to host your own Oktoberfest party – one post at a time. This is post number one, giving you a general introduction into feasting German style. Continue reading

Pears, Beans and Bacon

BBS_served_editedA regional specialty from the north, Birnen, Bohnen und Speck (literally: Pears, Beans and Bacon) couldn’t be easier to make. It is one of those dishes, where I wonder how it first occurred to people. The answer may lie in the fact that green string beans and the small sour cooking pears are harvested around the same time in late August. So why not cook them together? The smokiness of the bacon ties the savory and sweet flavors together in this traditional weekday meal. Continue reading