Strawberry and Riesling Buchteln: The Adult Version of a Sweet Lunch


Growing up in Germany, I loved the days when had sweet dishes for lunch instead of savory ones. This is by no means considered an uncommon practice (unlike breakfast food for dinner in America), but it still felt special. I think my favorites were rice pudding with apple sauce and pancakes with cinnamon and sugar. Another traditional sweet meal like this are Buchteln, also referred to as Rohrnudeln. I don’t think we ever made those ourselves at home. I was surprised to discover they’re pretty easy to make. And if you fill them with strawberry jam and serve them with a wine sauce, that kids’ favorite can turn into a pretty grown up meal…

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In Search of the Perfect Poppy Seed Cake


No country harvests more poppy seeds than the relatively small Czech Republic, satisfying the high demand for poppy seed pastries across the region. In Germany, Mohnkuchen, poppy seed cake, can be found in every bakery. It is also a traditional favorite of the Silesian cuisine, a topic I dove into a couple of posts ago. Whereas the usual German Mohnkuchen isn’t among my favorites – often too try and too bitter – I wanted to find that perfect recipe for the Silesian poppy seed Wedding Cake I had heard about. I went down the rabbit hole of research and several trials, until I was finally able to serve the proper cake last Sunday. It’s quite an impressive one. If you’re still debating what to bake for Easter, look no further! Continue reading

Viennese Goulash from Prague


When we say goulash, we think Hungary. Historians trace the roots of the hearty stew with lots of paprika to medieval Hungarian shepherd culture. But, in keeping with the shepherds’ lifestyle, goulash is an itinerant dish with many versions all over Central Europe. One of my favorites is commonly made in the Czech lands. To add to the confusion, in Prague you will sometimes find it labeled as “Viennese.” I set out to recreate the dish at home. Continue reading